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  • How do I get a repeat prescription or referral?
    Repeat prescriptions or referrals will only be issued through consultation with your GP and are valid for 12 months. If you would like assistance in faxing the referral, please see the reception staff.
  • What are my responsibilities as a patient?
    Patients have the responsibility to: • Keep appointments and arrive on time, you should advise reception as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change appointments. • Provide to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about their past and current medical status and report any changes to their medical status. • Participate in discussions about their care plan, ask questions and inform the medical provider if they do not understand the proposed treatment. • Follow the care plan to which they agreed and any follow-up instructions and/ or recommendations for their care. • Respect staff and not engage in behaviour considered unsafe toward staff. Patients who are under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs may not be treated.
  • What is the Bingara Community Practice telephone policy?
    Our reception staff will note all incoming calls but will not generally interrupt the GP when in consultation. The GP will be given the message and will respond accordingly. In an emergency, your call will always be put through to the appropriate person, this may be the practice nurse or GP.
  • How do I access my test results?
    Your GP will advise you when they expect results to arrive at the practice. Please make an appointment to find out your results and what they mean for you.
  • What is the Bingara Community Practice smoking policy?
    The Bingara Community Practice has a no smoking policy.
  • How does the Bingara Community Practice manage my personal information?
    Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of the Bingara Community Practice to always maintain the security of personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Privacy policy and disclaimer: The Bingara Community Practice abides by the 13 Australian Privacy Principles: resources/privacy-guides/app-quick-reference-tool
  • How do I make a complaint or provide feedback and suggestions?
    If you have any concerns, suggestions, or complaints please let us know. We take all feedback seriously and your information is treated strictly confidential. You may choose to remain anonymous. You can: •            Talk to your GP or our Practice Coordinator •            Email •           Concerns can also be lodged with the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission. NSW Health Care Complaints Commission Address: Locked Mail Bag 18, Strawberry Hills 2012 Phone: 1800 043 159.
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